(414) 301-5958

(414) 301-4137

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 9 AM to 2 PM by appointment/Closed: Fri, Sat, Sun

Pre-Prosthetic Surgery

Pre-Prosthetic Surgery

Sometimes modifications to your gum tissues or bone must be done before fabrication of a dental prosthesis such as a full denture or partial. These are usually dictated by your general dentist and custom to your needs. Some of the most common preprosthetic procedures that we get referrals for are: alveoloplasties (shaping and smoothing of your jaw bone to provide comfortable fit of the denture), tori reductions (removing bulging bone in the inside of the bottom jaw bone by the tongue or in the center of the roof of the mouth), frenectomies (Frena are small folds of tissue located in the mouth: under the tongue, inside the upper lip, inside the lower lip, and connecting the cheeks to the gums . A frenectomy is a procedure to loosen the frenum’s connection and extend the range of motion in that part of the body.)